PV Practicum

  I haven’t really mentioned this module very much previously, mainly because it was a bit of an odd one. We were in groups, given a product (kitchen scales for us) and had to redesign it. I was thinking ‘yeah design cool, I can do that no problem’ but when your with a team of engineers, including electrical engineers that didn’t seem to be as easy as one would think. In fact we just considered the material costs and parts inside (which I have no clue when it comes to electronics, yet) so it felt like an awful lot of … Continue reading PV Practicum

Strategies for Sustainable Design Closure

Our final poster of the series was cradle to cradle.   Now as much as I’d previously skimmed the subject and thought I liked the cradle to cradle approach, actually this didn’t seem to be the case. Yes it’s a good exercise putting the products into either the biocycle or technocycle, but what does it really achieve? The way to gain a bronze cradle to cradle certificate in fact is just knowing what all the materials are, where they’re from etc. which isn’t really that big of a deal. You then have to try and improve to move up to … Continue reading Strategies for Sustainable Design Closure

Week 5 & 6

First of all, apologies for the delay in week 5 it’s been a crazy few weeks with lots going on at the same time. With the solar cooker project we’ve rolled on deeper into the depths of ideas for different designs. Maybe a survival cooker, a multi-purpose multiple plate cooker, or keep it simple and minimalist. All to be found in due course. With Strategies for Sustainable Design we moved onto the Eco Design principles, looking at different ways we could reduce the impact of the product with the different Eco Principles. Again, using a life cycle analysis proved to … Continue reading Week 5 & 6